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To tattoo, or not to tattoo? I vote yes. Absolutely. In favor of. For. Unopposed.

Lately I’ve been getting quite political; (I go through stages) but don’t worry, I wouldn’t tattoo something on myself that’s not of permanent meaning to me. Right now, I’m a bleeding blue Democrat, but I’m not about to get a big fat donkey tat on my left cheek.

Tattoos are a form of expression; of artwork. For me, it’s a way to make a permanent statement, like my fingerprint, about my beliefs. It’s either tattoos, or update my Facebook status….

Obviously I’m not the first to think of this as a form of art and expression, or I’d be the creator of tattoo parlors. I wish my reasoning didn’t sound so cliché, that it’s an “expression,” but it’s no different from dancing, or painting, or writing. Can it be my muse?

My tattoos are spiritually based. I have some scripture, and have other things that my creator, the great God himself made, like the stars to represent heaven, and flowers to represent beauty and this earth life. These things are very much so a part of me.

In the future I’d like to tattoo my mom’s and dad’s signature on me. I probably wouldn’t post it for all to see, so no white-collar criminal steals their identity. Crazy goons.

Not me, and not my real tattoo. -Image by topgoldenglobeartisttattoo.blogspot.com-

Those tattoos might not be spiritually based, but my parents are my world  (well, really, my husband is… but the love for parents is a different love). I am who I am because of my parents. I might have turned out opposite of what they hoped and dreamed, but I am still so proud to be their daughter.

 I am practically a walking figurine of my dad. We have the same personality, similar outlooks, similar mannerisms. My mom is the center of my world as a daughter. She’s my mom… need I explain more?

My parents had me when they were over 40 years old. Do the math. I’m 25… and I know that this life is temporary for all of us. I’d love to keep them with me permanently.

Again, not me, not my tattoo. I don't have "man" arms. -Image by tattootribal-johnsmith.blogspot.com-

My tattoos are mostly bible verses from the book of Psalms. I’ve always loved Psalms, as they seem so elegant and artistic. They speak to my heart, just like my parents do.

I love you, Mom and Dad.